
Q: What does Extended Housing, Inc. do?
A: Extended Housing, Inc. works to prevent and homelessness for individuals with serious mental illness. We provide safe, decent, and affordable housing options, administer rental assistance programs, and offer support through our caring and dedicated staff. We serve individuals who are homeless or facing imminent risk of being homeless. We are the community housing acquisition, renovation, management, and maintenance agency for the Lake County ADAMHS Board.

Q: What areas do you serve?
A: Extended Housing, Inc. serves residents of Lake County.

Q: What types of housing assistance does Extended Housing, Inc. provide?
A: Extended Housing, Inc. provides long-term and temporary rental assistance vouchers, and emergency, one-time-only, vouchers for security deposits or rent so that recipients can avoid eviction.

Q: Does Extended Housing, Inc. manage any properties?
A: Extended Housing, Inc. owns and manages eighteen residential properties throughout Lake County, including two group homes, single- and multi-family homes, and apartment buildings.

Q: How does someone qualify for assistance through Extended Housing, Inc.?
A: For most of our programs, individuals (or members of their family) must have a documented mental illness and have low income to qualify. Extended Housing, Inc. programs have different sets of eligibility criteria. Please see the description of our programs for more information.

Q: What qualifies as a serious mental illness?
A: Serious mental illness includes, but is not limited to, bipolar or major depression, schizophrenia, severe mental health disorders, and dual diagnosis of mental illness and drug and alcohol abuse disorders. Our programs require documentation by appropriate mental health professionals, such as psychologists, psychiatrists or mental health nurse practitioners.

Q: How can someone apply for assistance through Extended Housing, Inc.?
A: Applications for most of our programs are available on our forms page. You can also pick up applications at our office.

Q: Do any other documents need to be submitted along with an application?
A: Applicants should provide the following documents for all household members if they are able: birth certificates, social security cards, proof of income (or notarized statement of no income), photo identification, and documentation of mental illness. Assistance can be provided in obtaining these documents if necessary.

Q: Can someone pick up or drop off an application in person?
A: Yes. Applications can be mailed to or dropped off and picked up at our office on the third floor of the Extended Housing Wellness Center, located at 270 E. Main St, Suite 300, Painesville, Ohio 44077. For directions or contact information, please see our Contact Us page.

Q: Do you have a waiting list?
A: Housing subsidies have waiting lists. It can take up to three years or longer to access housing because of funding availability and the shortage of affordable housing. Some programs may be available immediately.

Q: Do participants need a case manager or social worker in order to qualify for your programs?
A: Housing subsidies do not require a case manager. Acceptance to the Shelter Plus Care program is by referral only, and participants must have a case manager. Please read the description of our programs for more information.

Q: How much rent do clients pay when they are accepted into an Extended Housing, Inc. subsidized housing program?
A: Clients pay between 30-40% of their adjusted gross monthly income (including SSI, TANF, employment, child support, etc.) towards rent and utilities.

Q: Do you accept someone into your program if they have no income?
A: Yes, but Extended Housing, Inc. needs to verify this information. Clients must sign a notarized statement of no income and, for some programs, Extended Housing, Inc. performs third-party verification checks. Please be aware that most Extended Housing, Inc. programs require clients to work towards self-sufficiency goals, which means clients must apply for all eligible income sources and/or government assistance, or be involved in an educational or training program.

Q: Where can participants live if they have a voucher from an Extended Housing, Inc. program?
A: Clients may choose their own housing unit from a private landlord in Lake County who accepts a housing subsidy. Extended Housing, Inc. also owns 18 properties located throughout Lake County.

Q: Can a landlord refuse to accept a rental subsidy program?
A: Yes, every landlord has the right not to accept rental assistance vouchers. Extended Housing, Inc. works with nearly one hundred landlords throughout Lake County who accept Extended Housing, Inc. vouchers and who will lease to tenants in our programs. For more information about partnering with Extended Housing, Inc. as a landlord, please see the Landlord F.A.Q.

Q: Are landlords allowed to inquire about a person’s mental illness?
A: No, Fair Housing Laws forbid landlords from asking or discriminating against people with disabilities. For more information regarding Fair Housing Law please click here.

Q: Can a significant other (not a spouse) live with someone enrolled in an Extended Housing, Inc. program?
A: Yes, clients may request to add a significant other adult to their household, however, this will not increase their approved number of bedrooms. The total household income will be counted toward the rent payment.

Q: Does Extended Housing, Inc. offer any rent-to-own programs, or can Extended Housing, Inc. help someone buy a home?
A: No, Extended Housing, Inc. does not have any services to assist in purchasing a home. If you are interested in home ownership, contact Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority for more information.

Q: Are there other housing resources available in Lake County?
A: Yes, please see our links and resources page for more information.

Q: What can I do if I have a complaint or concern about an Extended Housing, Inc. employee?
A: If you are a client currently enrolled in an Extended Housing, Inc. program, find out more information about our statement on clients’ rights. All others may contact our main office at 440-352-8424 and ask for the appropriate supervisor.

Q: I am a case manager. Can I send my client to Extended Housing, Inc. to fill out a housing application?
A: Yes, however the application cannot be turned in until the Certification of Disability page is filled out and signed by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or mental health nurse practitioner. If a client needs to come to the Extended Housing, Inc. office to speak to a member of our housing staff, please contact our office to schedule an appointment. We can be reached at 440-352-8424 ext. 110.

Q: What happens when a participant’s income changes?
A: Rent portions are affected by both increases and decreases to a household’s income. Extended Housing, Inc. must be informed immediately of any income changes. Clients may be subject to retroactive paybacks or program termination if income increases are not immediately reported.

Q: Can a client be hospitalized or incarcerated and keep their Extended Housing, Inc. subsidy?
A: A client can be hospitalized or admitted to an inpatient treatment center for up to 90 days or incarcerated for up to 30 days without losing the Extended Housing, Inc. voucher. Exceptions will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Q: Do units subsidized by Extended Housing, Inc. have to be inspected?
A: Yes. Extended Housing, Inc. programs require initial and annual inspections. Extended Housing, Inc. only subsidizes units that meet HUD’s Housing Quality Standards (HQS), which are minimum requirements. Tenants cannot move into units or sign a lease until a unit passes an HQS inspection. In addition, tenants must attend annual re-certification appointments and must provide information about family composition, income, assets, and allowances and deductions in order to remain eligible for the voucher program.

Q: What if a landlord isn’t properly maintaining the unit or is neglecting his or her duties as a landlord?
A: Extended Housing, Inc. encourages all subsidy recipients to work closely with the landlord and an Extended Housing, Inc. housing staff member to resolve all problems with their unit.

Q: What if a tenant isn’t properly maintaining the unit or is neglecting his or her duties as a tenant?
A: Landlord’s should contact Extended Housing, Inc. immediately if there are issues with tenants maintaining a unit.

Q: Can clients transfer their services to another case manager and/or agency?
A: Yes. Extended Housing, Inc. must be updated on all service transfers and cancellations.

Q: What about bed bugs?
A: Bed bugs are found across the globe from North and South America, to Africa, Asia and Europe. Although the presence of bed bugs has traditionally been seen as a problem in developing countries, it has recently been spreading rapidly in parts of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other parts of Europe. Bed bugs have been found in five-star hotels and resorts and their presence is not determined by the cleanliness of the living conditions where they are found. For more information about bed bugs, and what to do if you think you may have them, please visit the CDC website.

Q: Where can I find more information about Extended Housing, Inc.?
A: For more information, call us at 440-352-8424.